03-08-2019 03:52 AM
Good Morning,
I try to generate a square signal with the signalgenerator from Labview and send it to the Ettus USRP N210 but i have problems with the frequency and if i connect a Oscilloscope i cannot see a squaresignal. The only signal wich appears is the carrierfrequency from the USRP driver. If i change the frequency from the squaresignal nothing happens.
Thx for your help
03-12-2019 04:04 AM
I have still the same problem. I upload the VI for better support.
Carrierfrequencie 1Ghz
Sinusfrequencie 10 Mhz
If you have some Questions because of the german language it should be possible for me to answer.
Thx for your help
03-19-2019 08:56 AM
Hi Christian,
I suggest you try the attached VI. It is one of our Example VIs that ship with the driver and it does Asynchronous TX. The main difference that I see with your VI is that in the example we create a Complex double cluster that goes into the input of the USRP Write VI.
If you want to send more complex signals, like a square wave, have you tried modulating your message in AM or FM and demodulate back in RX.
Let me know if the example worked for you.
Best regards,