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Anybody using stepper motor for fly scan??


I  have been trying to use stepper motor for scanning in fly mode. But unfortunately the image generated by that is not properly scaled. (I am not writing much detail about my code here, but I can provide the detail if someone wants to have a look at my approach). I am wondering if anybody would be able to help me regarding that.

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Message 1 of 2

Hi Dushyant,

It sounds like you might be over-scanning the image with too many trigger signals.  I would suggest trying to change your triggers and markers to see if you are able to get the properly generated image.  If you are still having problems, please provide further detail regarding your system (how are you triggering, what software/hardware are you using to acquire the image, are you using encoders, etc.)  This information will help others better understand  the issue.

Best regards,

Vu D

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Message 2 of 2