07-25-2006 02:00 PM
There is a very frustrating problem with the app builder in
The error message is very long and ends with something like "The VI is not
executable". Standard advice for this problem is to force
It seems that this problem is caused by wiring a strictly typed VI reference to
an invoke node with the FP.open method selected. In both cases I resolved
the issue by changing the Static VI Reference to be weakly typed (right-click
the static vi reference and make sure "Strictly Typed VI Reference"
is unchecked). After that, the project build successfully.
This is very hard for a user to track down for several reasons:
- The error message in the application builder does not give any
indication as to what the real problem is
- The app builder reports that the top-level VI is broken, even when the
strictly typed reference and invoke node may occur in a sub VI
- Nothing (that I can
find at least) in the documentation suggests that strictly typed references
won't work with the Open.FP method.
There is a page that says "some of the properties and methods do
not work when you configure this function to output a strictly typed VI
reference," but no indication is given of which methods fail
Note that in one case I was also able to make the project build by deleting an instance of "IMAQ Create.vi" from the top-level VI. I have no explanation for this.
Hopefully this post will save some other users the trouble of tracking this down and maybe even get NI to correct the issue for future versions.
Adam Brewster
07-26-2006 02:28 PM
Hello Adam,
Thank you for sharing your experience and insight. Your post was well thought-out and offered a good description of the problem as well as some possible workarounds. I believe that the issue has been filed and is under investigation (3TU8T8V9). Feel free to post back after the next LabVIEW release and inquire as to its status.
Thanks again,
09-22-2011 05:14 AM
lo stesso problema mi è capitato con application builder di labview 2011, nel VI avevo collegato uno Static VI Reference con l'opzione Strictly typed VI reference ad un property node fp open. Il problema sparisce togliendo il chek a Strictly typed VI reference
inoltre volevo segnalare che nel context help di Static VI Reference c'è scritto di fare doppio clik per far comparire la dialog box in cui selezionare il VI, invece bisogna premere tasto destro e selezionare "browse for path"