02-25-2010 12:38 AM
I have build a program using LabVIEW 8.5 and now I want to make an exe file. What I first did was create and application using the application builder. Then I created an installer which includes the application builder as the source file.
In the additional installer tab, i checked the LabVIEW Run-time engine and NIDAQmx (which is I use in the program).
The installer was built without a problem.
When I tried to use the installer to install my program, everything worked fine. But when I opened my Application, a few errors popped up. For example one error was....
NiDAQmx Start Task.vi cannot be found.
The rest of the errors also included the NISQDmx. Is there something I did wrong in this?
Kindly help me with this.
02-25-2010 01:20 AM
have you created the task in max ? if so, I think you have to export the max config file so it needs to be added on the target system...
02-25-2010 01:37 AM
Im not sure I completely understand what you mean. You mean whether I used measurement and automation to create a task? If so, no I didnt.
02-25-2010 06:13 AM
There is a little "quirk" with the DAQmx installer and application builder:
If you run an installer that includes just the DAQmx runtime on a machine with a full DAQmx installation (ie runtime + development tools) the installer will MODIFY the existing installation, removing the development tools, leaving with you with just the runtime!
The way around this is to either:
1. Do not run a DAQmx runtime only installer on a development machine
2. Include the full DAQmx with your installer
To get your VIs back you probably just need to reinstall the full DAQmx.