11-07-2013 10:54 AM
I am fairly new to Labview, but am interested in recieving serial data from my arduino and charting it in Labview, but cannot seem to figure out how to recieve the data or get the data in the correct format to chart.
I am sending the data throught the serail port from my arduino with the following code:
Serial.println(tempF); //digital temperature sensor
Serial.print(humid); //digital humidity sensor
Serial.print(humidtemp); //digital humidity sensor
Serial.print(Output/2.55); //PWM output percentage
Any help would be appreciated.
11-07-2013 01:22 PM
What have you tried? Did you look at the many built in examples on how to perform RS-232 communications? Go to Help >> Find Examples and search for RS-232.
Have you looked at the Arduino toolkit for LabVIEW?
It is built by NI and helps in reading and writing basic I/O of the Arduino. For custom stuff you will likely need to go back to the RS-232 example instead of using the toolkit.
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