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Ayuda en modificacion de programa

Hola, buenos dias, tardes o noches, depende de cuando vean mi pregunta, me gustaria que me ayudaran, veran, me gustaria que mi programa de labview mostrara los valores de dos sensores, uno que estara en temperatura ambiente y otro que estara dentro de un recipiente de agua caliente, me gustaria que me ayudaran a modificar lo que llevo para mostrar ambos valores, de antemano, muchas gracias




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Message 1 of 3

Translated: Hello, good morning, afternoon or evening, it depends on when you see my question, I would like you to help me, you see, I would like my labview program to show the values ​​of two sensors, one that will be at room temperature and another that will be within a container of hot water, I would like you to help me modify what I carry to show both values, in advance, thank you very much.


  • Where does the other sensor value come from?
  • How does the typical read buffer data look like? Does it contain both values?
  • [Build 3 element string array + concatenate string] can be replaced by "concatenate string with tree inputs.
  • Your thermometer has the wrong representation unless you scan the value incorrectly as integer.
  • We prefer attached VIs over diagram pictures.
  • Why is format string a control instead of a constant?
  • Why are there so many wire bends?
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Message 2 of 3

Adding to what Mr. Altenbach wrote:

You need to close your VISA session when you stop the vi, also use the error wire to stop your vi




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Message 3 of 3