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BK precision 1900B power supply C#



I'm trying to communicate with a 1900B power supply usig C# in visual studio.

I have this code for the write button (IM3) and the application recognizes the device (IM1), but when i try to write a command to the power supply (IM2), i get this timeout error (IM3).

i tried writting commands using the VISA interactive controller but i get the same error (Rerr)



Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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This is a forum for LabVIEW programming.  We don't do C# or Visual Studio here.


I do see that you're using NI-MAX for the VISA window, so you're at least a little bit in the right place.  I can tell you that in the Rerr screenshot that you almost certainly should be sending "GETD\r" because the [CR] at the end is probably a symbol to indicate a carriage return rather than literally sending "[CR]", and \r is the slash code for that.


Other than that, a "timeout" error can have dozens of different causes with instruments in general and especially with serial where you have to manually set baud rates, stop bits, and so on.

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