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BUG: Diagram cleanup in 2016 can produce broken wires

Just started using LabVIEW 2016 and discovered a BUG:


The diagram cleanup function can take a perfectly working diagram and produce broken wires in it...


Here is a messy VI before clean-up:

before cleanup.PNG

Messy, but runnable....Now let's hit the clean-up button:

after cleanup.PNG

What happened, where did the broken wires come from?


I tried reproducing this in a simpler VI, but the error I have attached the original VI here too. Does it repair OK on your machine, or do you see the same bug?


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From looking at the block diagram picture, I'm guessing they aren't really "broken" so much as they have "loose ends".  Still, I'd be very afraid to do a <ctrl+b> to clean them up.


Definitely a BUG and very likely related to this thread.

(Mid-Level minion.)
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