Ben thanks for the USB Nuggets - very interesting. If I was very clever and had about two weeks I could maybe just extract ONLY the data of the USB HID vendor ID/make model from the PC's USB stream. Wish I had time.
Andrey your right all windows with active text input will end up being entered into my vi. This would mean the idea in the paragraph above is the ultimate solution maybe. Fortunately for me, my target PC has a sole job on the factory floor running a manufacturing process so I wouldn't have any other source of text input. Worth mentioning for anyone else considering this - thanks.
Intaris - ident is "USB Human Interface Devices, Location 0 (Symbol Bar Code Scanner)". I was trying to use the scanner in it's standard config here in our factory, so I haven't tried going down this avenue. Yes after reading the USB 3.0 spec from 2008 (linked from the Nugget) the contents pages are as long as most specs! Very well written though and very broad to cover virtually every possible requirement.