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Basler GigE camera works in MAX but LabVIEW returns error 0xBFF69031

Hi all,

I have problem with using my Basler acA640-100gm GigE camera. I installed all necessary drivers, I also followed instructions about these type of cameras and now I can acquire images using MAX (I changed Jumbo Frame size, I changed buffer size to 1500 and I turned off the firewall). Everything works pretty cool.It also works with Vision Builder.

Next step for me was implementing my vision algorithm to existing VI. When I run the VI I got the error as presented below:

vision error.JPG

I tried to change my algorithm and I tried to acquire only an image using Express VI, but it also returned the same error.

I use LabVIEW 2009 SP1 and Vision Builder AI 2009 SP1, Vision Development Module 2009.

I'm really surprised that it can work in MAX and at the same time it returns error when I do similar operation in LabVIEW.

Thanks for any help.


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
Dear michel,
Post your vi. so that we can help you better..

Silver_Shaper | CLD
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Reinstalling Vision Acquisition Software helped me, now I can acquire images, but sometimes I get timeout error. I didn't attach VI because I used Example VI Snap (Express VI), which includes only one node, in my opinion code is not a problem here.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Ok and Timeout usually occurs when camera in trigger mode. Increasing it's value can solve your problem.

Silver_Shaper | CLD
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7



I have a similar issue. It is also a Basler camera scA1300-32gm. It displays images in MAX fine, but in LabVIEW after Open->Start Grab->Grab, it returned a timeout error in Get You mentioned the trigger timing, but the trigger mode is turned to OFF for this camera. What could be the issue then? Thanks. 


Does the LabVIEW communite with the imaging devices through MAX? It is so weird to me that the camera works in MAX but not in LabVIEW. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hi, MengHuiHanTang,


Find the attached link it may solve your problem

Silver_Shaper | CLD
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

OK, problem solved, but not in a way that I expected. It turned out that the shutter speed was too high to start with. I put a default 100% shutter speed in the code, after I changed it to 1%, camera worked fine now. How does the shutter speed relate to the timeout issue? Too much light creates too much data traffic? No clue. 

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Message 7 of 7