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Boolean "toolbar buttons" distort

I create booleans with custom pictures for each state to use as my own toolbar buttons in my LabVIEW applications (created using application builder). The pictures stretch and distort on some computers, but not on others. It seems that the problem occurs when the application is built on a computer with a different operating system than the computer running the built application. Any recommendations for how to eliminate this problem?
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Message 1 of 2

The problem might be that the fonts are different. LabVIEW uses a font
specified in LabVIEW.ini. If you want to use the same font, you have to put
the same font definitions in my_application.ini (my_application is your
application name...). In the ini file, it should look like this:

FPFont="Arial" 14
appFont="Arial" 14

You should be aware that if you use the ini file for other settings, the ini
file tools modify these settings. So the second time you run the
application, it looks something like this:

FPFont="Arial 14"
appFont="Arial 14"

As a result the fonts are not initialised, and the wrong fonts are used.

LabVIEW creates an ini file, but by building a custom ini with your exe,
this ini file is used.



"Monroe" wrote in message
> I create booleans with custom pictures for each state to use as my own
> toolbar buttons in my LabVIEW applications (created using application
> builder). The pictures stretch and distort on some computers, but not
> on others. It seems that the problem occurs when the application is
> built on a computer with a different operating system than the
> computer running the built application. Any recommendations for how to
> eliminate this problem?
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Message 2 of 2