05-14-2013 11:57 AM
Dear all, I am writing a LabVIEW code to log data that are aquired through some RS-485 meters with an cRIO-9074, however sometimes that communication requires more time to complete and in that case I would like to break the communication task and pass to the next one in order to comply time requirements.
For an infinite loop that runs as fast as possible to the maximum number of cycle as possible with a specific Timeout it is possible to break the loop if the Timeout is reached, but the current loop is always completed, resulting in a loop that takes more time then the Timeout. How can I break the current loop if Timeout is reached?
I have tried several aproches with Tick Count or Timed Structures with no success. Is there a way to do it via State Machine?
05-14-2013 12:08 PM
Would a Consumer/Producer loop work for you?
You'd have two loops: one to acquire the data, and another to consume the data.
05-14-2013 12:13 PM
Isn't there a timeout on the communication nodes? If you are using VISA, you can configure the timeout through a property node.