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Browse doesn't find property Increment in Waveform Graph

Lately I am disappointed that I face bugs in LabVIEW nearly on a daily basis. I run the latest LabVIEW version. Is NI even testing their products?Please tell me that it is a feature and not another bug that I can't find the property Increment X-Axis->Range-Increment by the Browse function.

What I don't find intuitively is that I have no Browse Button when following: Front Panel->Waveform Graph->right-click->Create->Property , but I having one when right clicking a property node on the block diagram.


Actor Framework
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Message 1 of 6

It works OK when I try it.

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Message 2 of 6

Shouldn't there be a Browse?


I can find X Scale


But not Increment


Is this intended behaviour?



Actor Framework
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Message 3 of 6

I don't know about the Browse button being missing from the Create menu, I never thought to look for it there.


However, the reason you're not finding "Increment" in the search is that you're searching the WaveformGraph class when the property is actually part of the GraphScale class.  If you had a property node that was assigned to the GraphScale class, you would see it on a Browse search.


WaveformGraph contains two hard-linked GraphScale class references so it would make sense if you could find it on the search, but I think that they have to un-include all reference links in those searches to avoid making the Browse list incredibly long.  

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Message 4 of 6

I would expect that if there is a property on the tree view, I could find it via the search. Otherwise I would expect it doesn't even exist in the tree.
Why does the search not simply traverse the tree view?

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Message 5 of 6

@JustinWhiter wrote:

I would expect that if there is a property on the tree view, I could find it via the search. Otherwise I would expect it doesn't even exist in the tree.
Why does the search not simply traverse the tree view?

Graphs and Charts have been part of LabVIEW for several decades.  You, as a "new member" to the LabVIEW Forums (and possibly to LabVIEW) want a "feature" added to LabVIEW that the Developers and Users have not missed (or have learned how to find and use it).  That doesn't mean that your idea is a "bad idea", but I'm sure you can understand that the Developers are not going to put in a "feature" that one person requests that doesn't "fix a problem that is broken".


But do not despair -- there is the LabVIEW Idea Exchange, where we LabVIEW Users can go and suggest Improvements and new Features we'd like to see in LabVIEW (many of which turn up, particularly if enough Forum Users see the Idea and comment favorably on it).  When you sign in to the Forum, look on the left-hand side of the main page and click on "Idea Exchange".


Bob Schor

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Message 6 of 6