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Buffer Problems using NI PCIe-6353

Hello Kevin,


looks like that the last sequence changing avoids the error. Thanks for your help. I am going to change the trigger configuration today oder tomorrow. Maybe I have to contact you again because I am not really sure if I understand your changing ideas right.



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Message 11 of 13

Hello Kevin,


I tryed to change the trigger, but I am not sure how to do it right. I only found examples were an external trigger source is used. Can you just give me a hint, how to use this trigger function with is given from LabVIEW?



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Message 12 of 13

I'm not near a LV machine and have just a couple minutes.


I don't know exactly what problem you're having with configuring triggering for the CO task, but I think you can get some guidance from one of the shipping examples (available from the "Help" menu).  You'll navigate down the example tree for Hardware I/O then Counter Output I think.


If this doesn't help, repost your back-saved code or at least a screenshot of where you do your CO trigger config.  Maybe try to describe your question or confusion in more detail -- I don't really know what "hints" to give that wouldn't already be explained in the context help for the DAQmx function.



-Kevin P

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy coming to an end (finally!). Permanent license pricing remains WIP. Tread carefully.
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Message 13 of 13