I just run across a LV bug in checking the functionality of a VI-Defined Block Memory node.
When utilising this function, it is seemingly invalid to propagate the memory block Reference from one node to another. In the example shown below, the code will not compile. If we fork the reference coming from the VI-defined node and connect "directly" to the read and write nodes, it will compile no problem.
To add insult to injury, wiring up the nodes int he OPPOSITE direction (First write and then read) things compile fine, just don't try wiring up the output of the Read node to anything..... The node which complains is the "Read" node by the way which is convinced there is no feedback node attached. Again seemingly no logic to this at all.

I don't see any logic in this differentiation, therefore I am tempted to label it a bug.
PS, This is in LV 2012 SP1, sorry. I forgot to mention that.