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Building a demultiplexer

Hello all,


I'd like to know if there's an existing mux/demux palette or if I have to build it?


The program I want to build is actually a signal analysis for an EMG signal (it's a low-level amplitude waveform). There are four channels of EMG signals obtained and these are multiplexed by a custom built hardware and is sent to the computer through the mic and will use two channels which contain the clock and the EMG signal. I want to demultiplex the EMG signal using the information from the clock.


I'm afraid I can't explain much as the hardware and program developed isn't mine and I'm struggling to understand it myself. I can, however, give you the VC++ demux developed if that's any help.

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Hello atly,


Thank you for bringing this issue to the forums. Let me see if I understand what you are trying to do. So, you have an EMG signal which contains four channels of EMG data, and you have a clock signal which will help you distinguish between the four channels of EMG data.


Firstly, I assume that you are using LabVIEW to solve this problem, what version?

Are you using any National Instrument hardware?


I guess the next question to ask is, what information does the clock provide that will help you demux this EMG signal? You say that the signal is sent to the computer through the mic, I am guess you mean the mic port? You can access the mic port using the "Acquire Sound" VI or other sound VIs.


After you successfully import the mic port waveform into LabVIEW, try to display it in a graph and see what kind of data you get. Then we can investigate further into how to demux it. At first glance I would expect that you could use the "Split Signal" VI.


Let me know what you find.


Thank you,

Vimal Fernandez 

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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