12-08-2009 05:14 PM
Take the"modern" pushbutton control.
The LED on the control is on when the control is pressed (true) and off then false.
Can I make the LED blink when false and be on solid like normal when true?
I tried the property node "blink" but that kakes the whole control blink (and looks stupid)
12-08-2009 05:27 PM
Do you have anything against cheating?
Could probably also make an XControl if you feel masochistic enough.
12-09-2009 01:57 PM
Here is another example of how you can cheat to get it done. It combines a custom Boolean LED and a regular Boolean Push Button. If you don't want to mess with custom controls, you can overlay a regular Round LED Boolean (stretching it out a bit makes it fit better) over the existing LED on the Push Button, it'll just look a little different.
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Aaron Pena
National Instruments
Applications Engineer