05-25-2010 09:15 PM
I am posting my solution for the CLD Traffic Light Sample Exam. Comments and input is appreciated. The main VI is Traffic Lite.vi.
Thanks in advance.
05-26-2010 01:46 AM
Hi Joe,
Here are my preliminary suggestions...
1. I would suggest to use Get time/Date in seconds instead of Tick count for finding elapsed time.
Reason: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/6F6B9F4E149C80578625652800784764
2. When you hit the stop button,it should react within 100ms.
3. Document each programming structure with a brief description of its functionality
Label wires to show the data on the wire and the direction of data flow
Label constants with names that represent their functions
Reason: Because CLD has good weightage in documentation part.So concentrate on it.
05-26-2010 05:48 AM
Nice work, VI Joe. I heve just a few comments. The first two will get you more points from the judges, the third is personal style preference.
06-24-2010 01:16 PM
This is a nit, but your left turn is pointing right.
06-24-2010 01:41 PM
This is the UPS turn efficiency traffic light system