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CVT access scope within executables

Hi all, 


I'm in the process of refactoring some existing code and one of the things I did was make use of CVT + CCC for sharing variables between an RT target and a host. 


On the host side there are a few separate built EXEs. In the development environment it seems like the CVT has global access scope. When built into EXEs however it seems that while on the same machine, they cannot access the CVT variables between each other anymore. 


I changed the structure a bit so that one of the applications contains multiple VIs, and the previously separate interfaces are now launched asynchronously. This way they appear to share the same access scope and therefore can all see the same CVT. 


This is probably the solution I will go with long term, however I was still curious if there is a way around this access scope issue besides creating some inter-application comms such as locally making use of the CCC.  


Thanks in advance for your input! 

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Message 1 of 3

Hi hutchforth,


would you mind to explain your abbreviations CVT and CCC?


@hutchforth wrote:

On the host side there are a few separate built EXEs. In the development environment it seems like the CVT has global access scope. When built into EXEs however it seems that while on the same machine, they cannot access the CVT variables between each other anymore. 

In the IDE the LabVIEW.exe is the "host process", which has access to all its resources. So when you run several VIs within the IDE they all can access all resources in the other VIs. When you create EXEs for each VI they run in their own "host process" and so they DON'T have access to resources of the other EXEs/processes...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

Hi GerdW,


Sorry I should have lead with that! 


CVT is the Current Value Table library


CCC is the CVT Client Communication  library


I'm currently in the process of refactoring and rearranging some code that predates me. Moving these panels into a single application or creating some manager that allows me to choose the visible panels was on my agenda but I think I'll have to do something about it sooner rather than later in light of my recent implementation of CVT + CCC. 


I was kind of hoping for a quick and dirty workaround to tide me over but I think I'll just have to put in the work now 😉


Best regards,



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