10-02-2019 08:07 AM
10-02-2019 08:25 AM
You also have the assumption that the sample rate is a multiple of your 1.15Hz in order to get exactly 1 cycle. Otherwise, you might have to average across many cycles until you can get an integer number of cycles in a reasonable number of sampled points.
So what is your sample rate?
10-02-2019 08:50 AM
I am going to quote @GerdW from this thread as I think he sums it up perfectly.
What is your problem? Where are you stuck?
After all it's (more or less) basic math…
(When you want someone else to do your job then you should offer a job in the appropriate forum!)
10-02-2019 12:16 PM
LabVIEW has plenty of filter functions to smooth data. If you want to see the data filtered as new data comes in, use a ptbypt function (simplest is "mean ptbypt"). If you want to filter the entire dataset once it is acquired, you have even more options. (Convolution, wavelets, etc.)