01-20-2006 03:06 PM - edited 01-20-2006 03:06 PM
Message Edited by CKSlv on 01-20-2006 03:11 PM
01-23-2006 09:19 AM
12-11-2008 05:09 AM
Hi Lycangeek ,
I got stuck in the same kind of problem , I am using Automation open to load my COM library.
My Com dll is having an exposed function like
CAN_Write([in]long ID,[in] long DLC, [in,size_is(DLC) unsigned char* Data,[out,retval]long *pRetStat);
But when i am calling this function using automation invoke node in labview the Data is not a pointer reference its just accepting unsigned char Data . Can you please let me know how shall i pass the data to this array?? Or shall i need to change my DLL function...
Thanks in Advance.