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Calling WebService method from cRIO-9022


I'm trying to call a method of a Webservice that is running in my PC from a CompactRIO RT Controller. When I run the VI in my computer it works fine but when I move it to the device, it gives me some errors saying that the type "refnum", reference of the WS, is not supported by the device. (I'm sending a printscreen, but my LV is in French).
If does anyone know somehow making it works, I'll be very thankful 😉Untitled.png
Have a nice day!
PS.: I started learning LV this week and all alone, so maybe it's not a pretty VI.
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Message 1 of 4

I think you need to show us the block diagram of the OPEN VI.  That will help us determine how you're grabbing that "reference."  Remember, on RT you cannot use front panel property nodes, or references to front panel property nodes (the front panel technically doesn't exist in RT).



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Message 2 of 4

Hey Danny,

Thank you for the answer.


Yeah. I know that in RT there is no front panel. This program is only a communication test. 🙂


Here it goes the Open VI. In fact, I just used the Import > Web Service tool in LV and copied the VIs. It looks like this "reference" comes from the "Converter"'s constructor.


The "Web Service Authentication" and "Proxy Server Settings" are both empty. 


Thanks 😃

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Message 3 of 4

So I simplified the OPEN VI created by the wizard and one error that shows up (and i haven't seen before) is that the constructor node is not supported by the Device. 

Does anyone know if I have to install anything in the cRIO to make it "supportable"? 


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Message 4 of 4