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Camera USB alive in application

I want to see in my LabView app the alive image of an USB camera. I don´t need to process the image I just want to see the image of the camera alive.

I´m using a converter video (from the camera) to USB (PC). When I use the software (PlayTV DVR) that comes with the converter it work. I can see the image alive in my PC.

I tried to use the Labview example that is attached bellow, but I receive the error message. 

Error -1074396024 occurred at IMAQ USB Grab
  Error system.
IMAQ Vision:  (Hex 0xBFF60488) Minimum coverage value should be greater than zero.

How could I change this coverage value.

Someone has an idea what is happening?

I am in a correct way to get the continuous image capture?

Thanks in a advance.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hey Celia,


USB cameras are not technically supported by us, by I can do my best to give some advice.


For one thing, our USB drivers will NOT work if your camera is not DirectShow compliant. Try to see the image from your camera in a Windows program, and if you can't see it there, you will not see it in LabVIEW.


You can also check out our USB examples here:


C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\examples\IMAQ\imaqUSB examples.llb


to make sure that you set up your code properly.





Chris Van Horn
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Dear Chris,

Thanks for helping me.

                 "Try to see the image from your camera in a Windows program, and if you can't see it there, you will not see it in LabVIEW."

I´ve already done it, PlayTv DVR is a Windows program.

                   "You can also check out our USB examples"

I am already using is one of your examples. It is in attachment.


I saw these messages:


It's a 2005 message, may it could be corrected. Or Not?

I´m using Windows in portuguese.


I have installed LabView 8.6 with Vision and Vision assistent 8.6. Do I need something else?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

You might want to just try Windows Movie Maker, if you have it.


PlayTv DVR is a third party program that probably is utilizing specific drivers for the camera. All of our drivers access the camera through the DirectShow filter. So, if you do not have the filter or the camera does not support it, you won't be able to see the camera.

Chris Van Horn
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Dear Chris,

I used Windows Movie Maker and it worked.

I have to configure the video in source to composite. May I not have to configure this in the VI? But where?

Thanks again.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

As I said I´m using a camera connected to a PC usb port by a video-audio/RF to USB converter. The VI attached above didn't work, but if I substitute my camera stuff by a web camera directed connected to the usb port, it works, the VI works..

I´m thinking that I´d have to configure something else, so what if I try to use an active x control with the program that comes with the video-audio/RF to USB converter. Is it possible?  If so, could anyone help me to do it? I don't know how.

Thanks in advance,


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

can you tell us what usb camera you have?

do you have ni vision?

did you install the drivers from the manufacturer of the camera?

i noticed that my usb camera didnt work for me when i didnt install it..

let us know...

i am working on a similar project and i got my usb camera to work..i might be able to help..


Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7