12-03-2013 11:42 PM
I use a Camera to Loop Capture Vision Snap in Vision2013 and Labview 2013.
(see the right-up picture that is the needle in the right side, but the right-down picture it is in the left side.)
The right-up picture that is the current snap image shows normally.
The right-down picture is after en-queued and de-queued image.
But the image will be 1 % Randenly Chance to show right and left inverse.
Could someone tell me how to solve the problem?
12-04-2013 03:51 AM
12-04-2013 05:12 AM
2 Cameras are both the same "AVT GUPPY F033B" , Connected to the IEEE1394 interface PCI Card (2 ports, Controller Chip is Texas Instruments).(See" cam_driver.JPG")
Both Cameras are 1 % Randenly right and left inverse.(See" IMAG_Mirro_)_(2.JPG")
The Labview 2012 program is the attached file called "IMAGE_LOOP_SNAP_Queue As a Multiplexer_LV2012.vi.zip"
12-04-2013 05:38 AM - edited 12-04-2013 05:58 AM
I didn't even run your code but the images looks ok.They are in normal, Please see the screenshot.
As far as code, it looks fine.
-The other possibbility might be, In MAX check Particular camera>>Camera Attributes>> Vertical Mirror option is unchecked.