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Can I fix a VI Mass Compile says is BAD?

I am trying to learn LVOOP AND create a decent example of my coding, by upgrading an old personal project I care about to Class Data and improved structure.  Without a clue, and no help from the NI site, regarding the creation of Class Data, I have a lot of value and reference data in one class. 
  o  I moved my project from 2012 to 8.2 when my 2012 Eval quit
  o  After about two days of work in 8.2, a Class Data change caused an unnoticed CRASH and was saved
  o  Which caused  the need for about six hours of correction (many values in Bun/Unbun by Name were changed to the equivalent reference)
  o  Although 8.2 looked "FIXed",
  o  After two more days of work on the corrupted code
  o  It opens VERY BROKEN in 2012 (The Same: many values in Bun/Unbun by Name were changed to the equivalent reference)
  o  In 8.2 it still is not broken unless I try to change Class Data, then the values in Bun/Unbun by Name are changed to the equivalent reference problem
  o  The latest version (8.2) that will open in 2012 un-broken, is four days OLD.
  o  A Mass Compile of the "BAD" "unbroken" 8.2 in 8.2 is uneventful
  o  When the Mass Compiled 8.2 is moved to 2012 it opens with Values changed to Ref's as before
  o  A Mass Compile in 2012 declares many VIs BAD with NO FIX
If I can not fix the corrupted 8.2 that looks good so it is good and opens in 2012 unbroken, I must revert to the four day old 8.2 code and redo four days of changes.
Any ideas?
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Message 1 of 7

Idea: Use any kind of SVN when you need to keep older revisions in your repository...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 7

Sorry GerdW, I am too dumb to understand your SVN suggestion.   Please elaborate on your suggestion and what it will accomplish.

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Message 3 of 7



you complained about lost work of 4 days with several versions of your VIs in between.


My suggestion is to use SVN the next time you start to develop code important to you or your employer. That way you can easily check out older revisions of your code from a repository, create branches (for different LV versions...).


For your actual problem you surely made a backup before downconversion from LV2012 to LV8.2 - as is recommended by NI and by common sense...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 7



ThanX for the clarification.


I did save versions periodically.  Is your point that with SVN I could save daily or hourly, so I would not have lost as much?  I would have lost only two days, not four.  Other than saving more often, what is the SVN advantage for a single developer at home trying to upgrade his skills in order to become employed?  After the crash corrupted the 8.2, I made two days changes before knowing the 8.2 was junk when opened in 2012.


I always try to work smart, I am still not sure what I am missing.


"For your actual problem you surely made a backup before downconversion from LV2012 to LV8.2"???


In a sense, the 2012 I converted to 8.2 from is a backup, but older than the 8.2 backup before the corruption.


Please feel free to point out what I am missing.






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Message 5 of 7



maybe you missed the point that you converted from the "newest and best" to a ~7 year old version? Don't expect that to work flawless under all circumstances...

Maybe you missed the point that you converted from a LV2012 version (that uses an established OOP implementation) to a LV8.20 version that introduced OOP as a completely new kind of beast? In LV8.20 there are some OOP features missing...

Maybe you missed the point that using SVN (any kind will do) has a lot advantages when compared to a simple "save often, save early" scheme?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 7

GerdW - Proven Zealot,








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Message 7 of 7