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Can I have the example code of

Hi guys, I am using LIFA (LabVIEW interface for Arduino), and I was trying to make a pulseIN for hc sr04 ultrasonic module. I am unable to find an example code or make the code myself. Can you please help me?

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Message 1 of 4

My advice:

 Don't use LIFA. It is depreciated and is receiving very little support and will not be updated. Use LINX. This is LIFAs' replacement and was created by the same developer. Don't mix LIFA with LINX. LINX has native support for your HC SR04 sensor and includes an example.

Now Using LabVIEW 2019SP1 and TestStand 2019
Message 2 of 4

Alright, thanks a lot! Hope you don't mind telling me which palette it is in?

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Message 3 of 4

The example is in the LabVIEW examples folder....Help>>Find Examples... and go to the 'Search' tab and type in "LINX". Choose the example titled "LINX -" and open it. You might have to replace with the subvi with HC from the LINX pallete under sensors sub-pallette. I don't have the hardware so I can't test. 

Now Using LabVIEW 2019SP1 and TestStand 2019
Message 4 of 4