05-20-2011 06:32 AM
I installed LabVIEW 7.1 to PC ; HP Z200 Workstation. After installing LV7.1 and starting of install NI Drivers from May 2004 appeared error message:
This installation cannot be executed on a 64 bit Microsoft Windows OS.
So Have I to install newer versions of drivers? But will newer drivers co-operate with created VI's in LV7.1(in co-operation with NI Drvers May2004)?
05-20-2011 07:00 AM
Neither LV 7.1 nor any driver from 2004 does support Windows7 32bit or 64bit.
05-20-2011 07:03 AM
Thanks, So Can I install LV7.1 with any NI Drivers to Win7 ?
05-20-2011 07:49 AM
You could try.
But it's not supported since LV7.1 was available years before Windows 7 came out.
05-20-2011 07:54 AM
This Message appeared before install NI Drivers May 2004 (So LV 7.1 was installed, but not run this time)
05-20-2011 07:56 AM
You can purchase a newer version of Labview. Or run windows XP on the server.
This is also something you may look into
@altenbach wrote:
For certain versions of Windows 7, you can freely download and install Windows XP Mode with Virtual PC. Might just work.
From here
05-23-2011 12:44 AM
I can not purchase newer version og LabVIEW. I must use LabVIEW 7.1.
What about install newer version of NI Drivers, which co-operate with LV 7.1 and with Win7?
05-23-2011 02:37 AM
What kind of software drivers do you use?
05-23-2011 07:52 AM
From NI Drivers May2004 I am installing ussually :
Traditional NI-DAQ 7.2
NI-DAQmx 7.2
IVI Compliance Package 2.1.1
NI Instrument I/O Assistant 1.0.2
NI Switch 2.2
NI-SCOPE 2.6.1. ----> after upgraded to ver. 3.1
NI HSDIO 1.1.1
NI-HWS 1.1.1
NI IMAQ 2.6.3. -----> after upgraded to ver. 3.1.3
05-23-2011 08:20 AM
There is no version of traditional supported on Windows 7. The latest version of DAQmx that you can use is 8.9 and that is not supported either.