08-23-2015 04:17 PM
Hi everyone, our computer system is Windows XP, with Labview 5.1.1 installed. Can it support NI-DAQ driver 7.0? Or how could we upgrade Labview 5.1.1? Thank you very much!
08-23-2015 06:12 PM
08-23-2015 07:20 PM
With 5.1.2 not compatible, it's safe to say 5.1.1 isn't compatible either.
08-23-2015 07:39 PM
I see. Thank you Proven!
08-23-2015 07:40 PM
The link is so cool. Thank you natasftw!
08-23-2015 08:41 PM
Also keep in mind that to upgrade to anything newer, you will need a copy of LabVIEW 8..2.1 to update the code to that before upgrading to whatever version you want to work with.
If you want to stick with the Traditional DAQ and Windows XP, then I recommend using LabVIEW 8.6.1 with NI-DAQ 7.5. If you want to update to Windows 7 or a newer version of LabVIEW, then you will need to do some work to change the code from using Traditional DAQ to using DAQmx.
08-24-2015 07:33 AM
I see, thank you crossrulz for your help!