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Can bus data in multiple graphs

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At the moment i'm working on a project to feedback analog data from sensors on a petblowing machine to a pc in the office.

So far i can send the messages with different id,... The messages consides of 4 part Arb ID , Length, ID (again yes), Value.

The intension is to split the data over different graphs. Like ID 32 goes to graph 3 and ID 16 goes to graph 2. Now the is my problem.

The values are analoge so 0-255 and they also have to be monitored. So I got 4 plots on one graph to make it change color on the value.

But when i want to direct the messages to the different graphs I get all of my data but double. Or when I send the data to one graph the

other one changes to and if I watch with my probe there aren't values changing so nothing should happen. So far it works when i show my

data on one graph and make a case that lets one id pass so the graph can be drawn. Anybody an idea how i can make this with multiple



If you want to take a look at the code just as.



Thanks in advance...

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Message 1 of 8

Greetings Georges,


If you could provide us with at small piece of your code that shows which data to start from together with a description of the result you desire, we are happy to help.


Kind Regards,


National Instruments

Applications Engineering

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Message 2 of 8

Hi Demux,


I have tried to get you the code. You will see 2 files below. One called problemgraph where you see the info flying by on the graph.

You may have to change the sample time more. Or add a random to the input value to see more.


In the file problem2graph you see my problem. Sometimes the data is double and zero's join in to the graph. Plus the data should go

to the graph that is indicated but the data appierce on both graphs? Maybe a stupid mistake but i cant seem to find it 😛


Thanks in advance,


p;s didn't know if you needed the subvi so i added it (register vi)

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Message 3 of 8

The main problem that i'm facing is that when ever I redirect my value traffic the other values go zero.

At the moment i'm trying to keep track of the stations on the petblowing wheel. And that works fine

until the data of a analog sensor is added. So then I have to split it up and it goes wrong. Mainly because

i'm using a for loop.


I also tried to use the data in strings but when I put them from string to number same problem. And when

I compare strings to make a led light up nothing happend although I see on my probe e.g 4 equel 4 = true but

it stays false. Smiley Sad


But i keep trying

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Message 4 of 8

So I got some info from National Instruments Smiley Wink

And I made my adjustments so the alarm values could be changed when running.

And I tried to simulate my value data flow. At the moment i'm trying to get them

spilt in other graphs according to the adres. Tips are always welcome...


Check the file...

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Message 5 of 8

Ok here we are again....


So now it is completly working like it should except the strings on the right of the graphs.

The next thing I want to do is make a table like the picture below... With on the top left corner

a reset button to reset the table. On the top right a label telling us the last reset "date & time".

And in the table we could see how many time an error was active for a station. The value isn't

important the levels are important here.



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Message 6 of 8

So far I can get my data appieer in the table. But I don't want to see the value...

I just want to count how many time an error re-occurred. This for each station

and error level. So for example if I get 3 values above the small error on station 10.

The table should indicate a 3 on station 10 (row) / small error (col). Anybody ideas

because this one is really new to me!!




Latest file is in attachment

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Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author GeorgesVDR

Ok so I finished the VI today... Normally everything should work like it should.

I wanna thank demux for the great support and everyone else for watch...


The final VI is in attachment... Smiley Tongue

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Message 8 of 8