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Can the fuzzy logic stabilize a signal like the PID


I would like to use the use the fuzzy logic to stabilize the temperature likie in PID system. Is that doable.

I tried to build a fuzzy logic system doing the following:

If Ti< Ts then Increase the T

If Ti> Ts then decrease the T

Are these membership enough to make the temperature Ti converge to Ts knowing that I used Triangular membership.

In conclusion, Can the fuzzy logic be used as an optimizer and should I add something to make the system converge because for the moment I found a temperature fluctuation too much.




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You should be able to use temperature information in this type of control scenario.  To find a good example which demonstrates how this works, open LabVIEW then go to Help>>Find Examples.  Search Fuzzy, and the FuzzyEx Dynamic Fuzzy Controller for  a Greenhouse.VI will come up.  Open this VI, it demonstrates using Fuzzy logic to control temperatures.

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