02-06-2013 12:32 AM
Hi i am new in Lab view so can any one help me regarding to my question.....please.
Can XML file be used as an input data model for 3 axis motion controller operated by lab view.?
And rether than .txt what type of files can be used as an input tin labview????
02-06-2013 02:08 AM
04-03-2013 12:47 AM
Hi tq.
Can u guide me regrding to configuration of file...how can i configurate the file ....for example i have sample file as shown below. at the end in (()) are the values of movement in X,Y and Z direction ........how can i use that type offormat in labview for operating my robot system ??????
that one is in txt format similary i want to use for XML ???
#1 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#2 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 20.00000000000001100, 11.00000000000000400, 17.50000000000000000 ) ) ;
#3 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 6.938893903907228400E-015, 10.00000000000000200, -15.00000000000000200 ) ) ;
#4 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#5 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#6 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -9.999999999999991100, 11.00000000000000400, -1.499999999999999600 ) ) ;
04-18-2013 03:38 AM
Hi how can I convert .txt data into other .txt arrangement.
In attached firgure, There is data at right hand side in text format , i want to convert that into the arrangement like at right hand side text format......
Can anyone plz guide me how to do that????