08-24-2006 07:00 AM
08-25-2006 08:38 AM
08-25-2006 02:32 PM
08-26-2006 12:34 AM
Thank u very much Robbie.
I could locate the example and solve my problem.
One more thing I want to ask, how to get runtime menu reference of a control without using event strucutre. Is that possible?
08-26-2006 12:36 AM
Thank you very much Rudi for user example.
I could solve the problem.
08-28-2006 11:51 AM
08-28-2006 11:17 PM
Thanks. It is fine to some extent.
The only problem is that if the program is handling someother events (like one involves serial read which takes more than 1 sencond in my program), it will take a second to display the runtime menu after right clicking the button.
09-12-2006 11:57 AM
11-03-2006 05:33 PM
11-03-2006 05:44 PM