10-28-2009 12:57 PM
I was wondering anyone knew the way to change the scan rate, through labview, for a Keithley 2700 Integra Series DMM. The Keithley has a configurable scan rate of Fast, Medium, and Slow. I have attached a picture of the current scan setup to the loop. I am unable to change the rate without getting an error of +520, -231, and the -107****. I was using the load file .vi from Keithley and was able to fetch and load a setting from the DMM.
Any ideas would be helpful!
Jesse Campbell
10-29-2009 05:06 PM
Hi Jesse,
I couldn't find a manual for the 2700, but I found one for the Keithley 2701. Page 179 (4-11) gives the rate commands. You should be able to send those commands to the 2700 with a VISA Write vi. If you're still getting errors, some of them are discussed in that same manual. For example, page 238 (7-12) discusses error +520: "However, if the settings for a user setup or power-on setup do not match the switching module type presently installed, error +520 (Saved setup scancard mismatch) occurs when the setup is recalled."
I hope this is helpful.
10-30-2009 07:01 AM
10-30-2009 08:55 AM - edited 10-30-2009 08:58 AM
Yes, you have to have the config meas first. I believe that the context help for *most* of the driver VIs says if a particular VI has to come after the config. The reason for this is because you can configure several different measurements on the same scan (using several scan lists and several config meas.vis) and some of these things are only valid for some types of measurements. e.g. aperture timing is different for different types of scans so it has to go with the measurement settings, while data format applies to the whole scan so it can go anywhere.
In fact you're doing this already, some TCs, some DCV, so you'll need two aperture timings. Only power line cycles, not seconds, works for standard DC measurements.
Keithley changed their website about a month ago and google links are dead. the instrument page is http://www.keithley.com/products/data/datalogger/?path=2700/Documents#6 and the direct link to the rev G manual is http://www.keithley.com/data?asset=942
Edit: If you're using LabVIEW 8.0 or later, I suggest switching to the project-based driver.
10-30-2009 02:54 PM