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Chart design using Report generation toolkit

I am having an issue generating a scatter plot with lines. The main issue I am having is it cannot read the X-axis and Y-axis data. Is there any way we can give the X-axis and y-axis data individually as we plot in the XY graph generally?


I can save data in the required columns in the Excel format but am unable to plot the same on the chart using the report generation toolkit.


I would be glad if anyone can help me with this issue.






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Message 1 of 4

Hi Yathendra,



I understand your concern with generating a scatter plot using the report generation toolkit, specifically in reading X-axis and Y-axis data separately. While the toolkit typically works with XY graphs, you can indeed prepare your data in Excel format with dedicated columns for X and Y axes. Try using the 'Import Data' function or similar to import your formatted data into the toolkit for accurate plotting. If you encounter any difficulties, our customer service team is here to assist you promptly. Feel free to reach out for personalized support.


Best regards,

[Your Name]

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Message 2 of 4



I cannot use the import module as am measuring data from various sensor devices and calculating the data using a mathematical formula and using it to append into Excel as a table and I want to plot the chart for the data from specific columns in that table. So, I cannot use the import data here.

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Message 3 of 4

I'm attaching the output of some code that uses the RGT to plot three "made-up" Temperature as a function of time Graphs, connecting the points with lines.  This is the output of a demo I posted here about a decade ago, and it still works.

BS Demo.png


If this looks like it can help you get started, you can find my old Post here.  (This was a demo of how to use the RGT, so there are examples of several "features" here, not all of which are about plotting ...).


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 4