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Checking for devices and channels

hi everyone,

very new to labview here. I'm using LV2012 with Daqmx base and a USB 6008. I'd like to implement a device check, so that an LED indicator blinks if no device is found. eventually i'd like to display available channels to choose from (ai0,ai1,etc). It seems that people would usually resort to property nodes, but these are no supported in daqmx base. Does anyone have a viable solution? I would appreciate the help very much.

thank you


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Message 1 of 4

Hi jderm,


then what is supported by DAQmxBase?

Do you receive errors (by error cluster) when trying to open a device? Then use that error message to blink your LED...


To display available channels you could either use a DAQmx channel control or a (self-made) ring - the number of channels is very limited with a USB6008...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 4

@jderm wrote:

I'm using LV2012 with Daqmx base and a USB 6008. I'd like to implement a device check, so that an LED indicator blinks if no device is found. eventually i'd like to display available channels to choose from (ai0,ai1,etc). It seems that people would usually resort to property nodes, but these are no supported in daqmx base.

Definitely, it is very much possible using property nodes (of System and Device classes). Though not sure, if these properties are available in DAQmx base or not. Why don't you plan to instally DAQmx full.


Attached is an example to start with.


Find all devices

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Message 3 of 4

thank you both for your replies. I'm running on OS 10.7.5 , so Daqmx (full) is not supported. I'm going to set up dual booting so that I can run on windows 7, and hopefully avoid these troubles altogether. gerdw, I'll have to do a bit more research and figure out how to use cluster errors and channel controls. thanks for the idea

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Message 4 of 4