08-28-2014 07:20 AM
I am trying to find a cluster element's owning pane master rectangle. So I make a property node to call that owning pane's reference, then I use that reference to get its Master Rectangle. The problem is that the Rectangle is different depending if I call the cluster or the element in that cluster. According to the help file this should not matter. "For nested controls, this property returns a reference to the pane that owns the object that contains the control."
Attached is a simple VI showing this difference. Am I just using it wrong? The pane name is the same.
08-28-2014 07:29 AM
Seems to work as described for an array. Maybe a cluster actually contains a pane? It's been awhile since I've done some real scripting, so I would have to do some digging to check.
09-02-2014 10:45 AM
Interesting, so I didn't know this, but a cluser is sorta seen as a pane to the objects in the cluster. Attatched is an updated version of your VI that compares the references and shows that the Pane the cluster is in, and the Pane the objects are in are not the same. I then made the VI highlight the two panes separatly so you can see that this is the case. Is this documented somewhere?
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09-02-2014 10:49 AM
Wow you are right. I was using the label to determine if the panes were the same, but by default they had the same name. I changed the Front Panel's label to "FP" and it is clear that they aren't the same.
09-03-2014 11:05 AM
There is a similar situation on the block diagram, where all containers (loops, case structures, etc.) have one or more contained diagrams.