10-22-2009 10:03 AM
10-22-2009 10:20 AM
10-22-2009 10:23 AM
Well I put a while loop around it but it has made no diference.
10-22-2009 10:25 AM
sorry about the double post I didnt realise it went to the next page.
I tried your one as well and still it doesnt work.
10-22-2009 10:27 AM
When I run the LDRU on its own as a sub vi it works.
but not inside directions
10-22-2009 10:40 AM
10-22-2009 11:58 AM
thanks for your help
I will have to continue this tomorow.
10-22-2009 04:23 PM
10-22-2009 04:24 PM
10-23-2009 05:25 AM
Thanks but it seems you forgot to save the last direction vi as a LabVIEW 8 file. I can't wait to see it.