03-25-2009 11:42 AM
I have two questions about Combo Box :
(with LV 8.2.1)
Is there a way to spread the Combo Box list (to the viewer eyes) programmatically ?
Is there a way to make the Background of the list transparent also ?
03-26-2009 03:28 PM - edited 03-26-2009 03:29 PM
Hello Amitai,
To change the background color of your combo box you need to use a property node. To create a property node right-click the control and select Create»Property Node»Text»Text Color»BG Color. This will place the property node on the block diagram. Make sure the property node is set to write (Right-Click the node and select Change to Write). Then you want to use a color box constant and select T for transparent.
I'm not sure how to expand the combo box but I am looking into it.
03-26-2009 03:35 PM
03-26-2009 03:45 PM - edited 03-26-2009 03:46 PM
You're looking to change the SPACING of the combo box, not the actual size correct?
Such as this image, but with more white where the arrow is pointing?
03-26-2009 05:26 PM
Hi Jon,
Thank you for your reply,
Your solution did not help me,
(it's either - I did not understand your solution or you did not understand my question).
If the right option is that you did not understand me - I will try this time to be clearer -
What I am trying to, do is to turn the background of the list of the Combo Box transparent.
please see the Vi I have attached
Amitai Abramson
03-26-2009 05:33 PM
I understand what you are wanting to do now. I will have to look into this as I do not know how to make the drop-down list have a transparent background.
03-26-2009 05:37 PM - edited 03-26-2009 05:41 PM
Dennis & Chris,
Probably the word 'spread' was not the correct to use.
What I am trying to find out, is whether I can programmatically open the list of the Items that are inserted to the Combo Box.
The User can open the list by pressing the arrow in the right side of the Combo Box,
I want to view the list and choose an Item from another interface and not using the keyboard or mouse, (using a different user station)
so I want to be able to use the combo box programmatically,but still to see the VI on the screen...
for now, I have created a pop up that simulates the Combo Box, in the position of where it's supposed to be.
Amitai Abramson
03-27-2009 09:23 AM
If you're wanting to use an "always open" combo box, then why not just use a list box? It will show as many values as you want.
03-30-2009 04:05 PM
Hello Amitai,
There isn't an invoke or property node to expand the Combo Box. What you can do is to programmatically simulate a click on the drop down button by using methods in the User32.dll. Take a look at this KnowledgeBase article. It includes an example program as well. So far I have not found a way to change the color of the background of the list when the drop down button has been pushed.
04-02-2009 04:02 AM
I will check it next week....
Amitai Abramson