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Communication with Xbee

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Hello Mr. TUD,


I am very much interested about LabView and XBee communication. I have 2 requests to you. 

1. Would you give a detailed device list (i.e.; Arduino nano, XBee, Nano USB host /Shield....)

2. I am using LabView 2014. I can't open your VI. Would you post a converted VI (2016>2014/2012), So that we can see your code?


Thanks in advance. 

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13



the used devices are: two XBee S6B, one XBee Radios, bread board, one Arduino Nano, one XBee add-on for Arduino Nano. The remote XBee S6B was sited on the XBee Radio and powered with the bread board. The receiver XBee S6B was sited on the XBee add-on for Arduino Nano.


I could not upload the code now, because I will back to my office in next week. And I would upload the code in next week.


Best regard



Message 12 of 13



sorry for the late coming program. In last two weeks, I have so many things in my head. 


Best regard

Message 13 of 13