03-14-2012 11:46 AM
Buenas tardes,
Me gustaria que me ayudaran a introducir una ecuacion definida en un archivo de matlab en un MathScript de Labview.
Muchas gracias
03-14-2012 03:09 PM
Good afternoon,
I would like to help me enter an equation defined in a matlab file in a MathScript ofLabview.
thank you very much
Mayvaz, you can try the spanish forum http://forums.ni.com/t5/La-Comunidad-en-Espa%C3%B1ol/ct-p/ESAForum
You can try Mathematics > Scripts & fomulas > Scripts Nodes > MATLAB script (note: Requires: Full Development System)
No te olvides de dar Kudos! (click en Kudos) y de marcar el problema como solucionado (opciones en la esquina superior derecha de este comentario)
03-16-2012 03:33 AM
I think the problem you might be having is that you have to append the directory that contains the function file you are using. Take a look at the examples in the Example Finder (Communicationg with External Applications-->MATLAB and Xmath Script-->MATLAB script node - Lorenz Diff Eq.vi). To append the directory you need, you can use the command:
path(path, pa);
Take a look at the example that I mentioned above for more information.