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Connecting a USB input of a Battery Management system sending CAN messages to Labview

I am new in working in Labview..... some guidance will be highly appreciated. ....


I have a Battery management system. It sends CAN signals via a USB interface. I need to control the Battery management system using Labview. So how do i read the CAN signals coming from usb in labview. I am not using a Data acquisition system of NI as my signals are already digital. 

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I have a few questions:

Does the manufacturer supply drivers to interface with the device?

When you plug in the USB cable which kind of device is seen by the operating system?

Can you provide more informations about the battery management system?




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Message 2 of 3

Hey marco 


The device has an application which is runs it. So this application runs the battery management system. What i need to do is to develop a LABVIEW substitute for this application, so that I will be able to communicate with the BMS using LABVIEW, instead of the application provided with it.



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