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Containing window restores down when inserting a VI into a sub-panel

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My application allows the user to select VIs to insert into a sub-panel on my main UI window. If my main UI window is first maximized, the INSERT VI causes the main window to "restore down" (go back to the size prior to maximizing). Frustrating for the user to say the least.


Anyone else seen this? Known bug perhaps?

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Message 1 of 3

Hey BillMe,


I am working on recreating the behavior that you are experiencing. In the meantime, have you attemped any workarounds, such as using a property node to force a maximized state?

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author BillMe

Problem was I put an "FP.Open" after the "Insert VI" (thinking it was necessary because the front panel of the VI to display was closed). Removed "FP.Open" and containing window behaves as expected.

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Message 3 of 3