03-15-2019 11:03 AM
Hi VenkataRajasekhar
I have taken the liberty of simplifying your code a bit. My code will need some tweaks to get it running on your system. Give it a try and see if you are experiencing the same missing data problem.
(for others.... Yes I know, I know, I should of really used a Producer/Consumer )
03-16-2019 12:50 PM
This is very strange code, and a very strange situation. The Original Poster is communicating with a single device over a Serial (VISA) Port, first at one Baud Rate, then at another (that, to begin with, is strange). It looks like you communicate with this device using numeric data passed as strings, yet the third string (called "Command") appears to end with 0D0A, which if interpreted as a hexadecimal quantity, is <CR><LF> (this may just be a coincidence, but my "suspicion" counter is ticking faster).
I, for one, would like to know (and have a manual to consult!) about the UUT, the source of these data. As has been pointed out before, Windows makes a somewhat-lousy "clock", whereas DAQ devices usually are built to provide more accurate and precise timing that, ideally, should be used whereever possible (use a single LabVIEW TimeStamp to record "Start of Experiment" Date and Time, then use the Device's "clock" to record accurate relative times (starting at 0 "ticks" and incrementing as the data are acquired, assuming a good DAQ clock).
It appears to me that you have neither a "Bytes at Port" property nor a "Termination Character" enabled, so it is unclear how you know what the UUT is (or should be) providing (again, a manual would definitely help us to help you!). Without a better understanding of the UUT, analyzing and suggesting code for it seems fruitless (to me).
Bob Schor