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Contour Plot of Current Measurements as a Function of x and y Positions

Hi All, 

I am trying to program a three dimensional stage (xyz stage).  My quesiton has to do with programming a contour plot of the x-axis position (on the x-axis), y-axis position (on the y-axis), and have the current as the intensity.  How do I need to do this?

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Message 1 of 5

There is 3D Line Graph in Graph -> 3D Graph palette. It requires X, Y, Z vectors of the same length of your points

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Message 2 of 5

Untitled.jpgDo you know how I would take data from the x-axis position counter loop and the y-axis position counter loop and plot it along with the current (which would be the z-axis)?  I want to store all the data.

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Message 3 of 5

You can accumulate arrays and show 3D curve in the end. To display in real-time you need to accumulate-replace-rotate data in array manually. Though may be your LabVIEW version already has 3D chart.

PS. X, Y and Z arrays should be the same length. On each iteration you have 1 X, 1 Y and multiple measurements, that you need to merge into 1 Z (average for example, whatever makes sense).

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Message 4 of 5

My labVIEW version already has a 3-D chart.  How does this change the way I should process the data?

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Message 5 of 5