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Controller different Input in the same time in a real Scenario...(SIMULATION IN 2 TANKS CONTROLLER BY PCB BOARD)

Hi! I really need help....


I´m doing a simulation where I can controller the input and output with one external PCB, all is working properly (the communication) but my problem is, I can´t open where ever I want the different valves...I mean, I must wait until the process is finish...


The program is working with diferents process like this:


§Process 0:
    Programinitialization. Tanks and pipes in zero state. Control for this state with  “pump on” button.
§Process 1:
         “ Pump on ” button istrue: Pump 1 isrunning, andTank 1 starts to be filled with water.
         “ Pump on ” button is false: nothing happen, go to the next process
§Process 2:
     This process is controlled from the “Control 1”button with is who control “Valve 1” for the discharge of water from tank 1 to tank 2.
§Process 3:
      This processiscontrolledfromthe “Control 2button with is who control “Valve 2” for the discharge of water from tank 1 to tank 2 if “Control 3 button is close or if “Control 3button is open the water go out from the loop.
§Process 4:
      This processgiveyoutheoptiontocome back totheprocess 1 ortotheprocess 2 dependingofthestate in process 3.







So my problem is I want  run different processes in the same time, without having to wait out the current process is running....


this look like this:






and with the differents I was trying to use a Statechart for try to improve the simulation....


like this:


But when I was tried to implement in labview with the statechart module i can't find the way to interconexión with this new module...



Because i need two differents regions...but i can't use the connexion between them....


Some new idea, help....all is welcome!!!


Thanks in advance.




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Message 1 of 5

Buenos días Elena,


Si no te importa, te voy a escribir en español para que nos entendamos mejor.


Creo que tu problema es que tienes una serie de pasos y los tienes que ejecutar uno por uno en el mismo orden siempre y que te gustaría poder alterar el orden según la lógica que deseés. En ese caso deberías implementar una máquina de estados.


Dime si te he entendido mal y en ese caso dime a que te referías.


Un saludo

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Message 2 of 5

Además, para paralelizar operaciones lo que tienes que hacer es usar dos bucles While

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Message 3 of 5

Buenos días Alvaro,


Si, mejor en español 🙂


Si, me has entendido bien, exactamente es lo que me gustaria. 


Empece por mi cuenta con labview y hay muchas cosas que se me escapan... Voy a implementar la máquina de estados a ver si asi soluciono el problema.


Muchas gracias!


Un saludo!

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Message 4 of 5

Well, I was trying with state machine...but I can´t controller my inputs now...I don´t know what I´m doing wrong....


now, look like this:



dp simulationwith state machine.jpg

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Message 5 of 5