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Controlling an output signal on the SCXI 1303

How do you control the outputs of the SCXI 1303.  I would like to control a circuit from LabView by wiring it to the SCXI 1303. Is that possible? I only need a Boolean signal so if I could use labview to turn on and off a voltage on the card it would be enough.


I also have a SCXI 1121 but I understand that it is not possible to control the output voltages of it. Is this the true.


If it is not possible with these two cards than is there another card that it is possible with?





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SCXI 1121 is a 4 channel isolated analog input module and can also provide current and voltage excitation.

And SCXI 1303 is a terminal block for a SCXI module, can u tell to which Module is it attached??


Message Edited by devchander on 01-23-2006 11:11 PM

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Message 2 of 4

Hi All-

The SCXI-1303 is a terminal block that is most commonly used with the input modules SCXI-1100/1102.  The SCXI-1121 is also an input module, as dev mentioned.  So, neither of those components will be useful for output operations.  Dev's suggestion to check for a different output module (or use your DAQ card outputs directly) is what you need to look into. 

Which type of DAQ card and programming environment will you use?  LabVIEW 7.x and later examples can be found under Help>>Find Examples by browsing to Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Generation.  ANSI C examples are available at "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog Out\Generate Voltage."  .NET examples are available at "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2003\DotNET\Examples\DAQmx\Analog Out\Generate Voltage."

Hopefully this helps-

Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

Hi All,


I am trying to use SCXI1303 and SCXI1102 to control a stepper motor. I saw an example that succesfully used SCXI 1200 with an steper driver to control the motor. They used #14 (PA-0), # 21 (PA-7) and #13(GND) out of the 50 front pins of SCXI 1200. However, the connection between SCXI1303 and SCXI 1102 has 96 pins. The SCXI 1303 user manual mentioned terminal "output" for future use. But I'm not sure how to use them or if they are programmable. Is it possible to use any of those output terminals in SCXI 1303 to provide an output signal for steper motor driver ? I'm planning to use EasyDriver v4.4, which only needs two signal output, one for direction and the other for step.


If it is not possible, what module should I be looking for?


Thank you,



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