11-30-2007 11:11 AM
RosieT wrote:
Thanks Altenbach, when I connect the 2D array to the 2D data input to the "write to spreadsheet", it connects with no errors. However, nothing seems to be happening. I dont see any data to a spreadsheet. Also when I try to connect the 2D data to the input of "write to text" it does not like it. What can I do to read it in a speadsheet?
So, which one is the main issue? A spreadheet in LabVIEW is just an ASCII formatted table with tabs separating elements and newline separating rows. What are you doing when "nothing" happens?
At the end, whatever you send to the file will end up as one long string of bytes (that's what any file is!). If you want to use "write to text" you would need to first translate your array into a spreadsheet string as described above. (using "array to spreadsheet string"). The highlevel function "write to spreadsheet file" does both but is more limited (e.g. is not optimized for I16).
To read the data back, you would either (1) read it with "read form spreadsheet file", which does everything, or you would (2) read it as a string and then convert it to an array using "spreadsheet string to array". Since you are dealing with I16 integers, option 2 is more reasonable because you can again convert it to a 2D arra of I16.
Why don't you attach your code so I can have a look what's wrong. 🙂
11-30-2007 12:36 PM
You have been INCREDIBLY helpful.. What Rosie's task is to convert these ~1000 data files to ASCII format (in column format), so that whoever decides to use them/analyze them (whatever) doesn't have to have LV. A spreadsheet is one option, but there are others (obviously). I don't think she/I explained that.
Thanx again!