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Could someone create a program that reads data from an excel file into labview for me?

I need a program that will read data from an excel file. PLEASE HELP

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Message 1 of 7

Yes, I am sure someone could, but not from the information given so far. You need to be more detailed.


What kind of data is in the excel file and how is it organized?


Is it a real excel file or some other file with a fake *.xls(x) extension.


What is your LabVIEW version?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

What Christian forgot to mention: there is a special thread to hire people. And you should state the price you are willing to pay, when someone else should do your work... 🙂
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

The other thing to mention is there is a search bar on the forums where you can enter text and search among the thousands of existing threads where others have asked for help on how to read an Excel file in LabVIEW.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Another source of Examples is LabVIEW itself.  Under Help, there is "Find Examples ...".


You may, however, have a legitimate question that NI does not directly address.  First, to clarify, am I correct that when you say "read from an Excel file", you mean "read from a file with an extension of .xls or .xlsx, produced by Microsoft Excel".  [The reason for asking is that many "LabVIEW Beginners" confuse "Spreadsheet", which can be a text file with comma or tab separators between entries, with files from Excel].


If you do mean "Excel", as in .xls or .xlsx, you will find that NI, in their examples, shows ways to write such files, but doesn't say much about reading them.  However, if you look at the sample "Write Excel File" (and ignore the part about Write to Measurement File), it actually shows you reading from what it calls a "Template" file.  But this is just any old Excel file.  If you Read the file, you can extract data from the WorkSheet using Excel Extract Data.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

For more information and some sample VI's and tool kits, you can go to the excel board

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Message 6 of 7

As the others said, your question needs some more detail. Also, while there are many generous people who will look over your code, asking someone to create something from scratch is more of a job for a hired consultant. That being said, here is my best guess at some VIs you can use to get started reading data from Excel.





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Message 7 of 7