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Crashing LabView SignalExpress 2012 at startup


I've just installed NI material (PXI-1033) and software which run normaly with MAX

When I try to run LabView signalexpress 2012 and try to open an example or or create a new project, LaBView begins to load then crashes at initialing Style phase. My OS is XP SP3 French, my PC a DELL Optiplex 790. I have uninstall my antivirus, update windows, installed last patch fp3 LabView 2012, but always the same issue. I send screen shot and windows event as attached document.

Thank in advance for your help


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Hello Rhingray,


Have you tried to uninstall Signal Express and to reinstall it ?

By the way have you tried to reinstall .Net Framework 4 ?




Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France

Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

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