06-04-2014 11:02 PM
I am just learning labview and this is one of our problems:
I do not know how to handle the time. I can do a multiplexer, but can not make it a time division multiplexer. I even tried to make sub-VIs with case structures that were set to a time delay, one had an input, the other had the stop sign. Unfortunately, this didn't just end my sub VI, it stopped my whole program.
I need help please, Thank You!
06-04-2014 11:17 PM
06-05-2014 10:22 AM
I guess my only real question is, how do I get two or more inputs to one output?
The two ways I know:
Merge - But for some reason, it only takes the top connection. The bottum signal never gets passed through to the output.
Case Structures - This is how I made it at first, I had 4 cases, and use a time elapsed box to switch cases. The only problem is, you cannot set the time for each case individually.
06-05-2014 10:51 AM
The case structure is the way you want to go. Instead of going by time, your subVI should just keep track of which one it sent out first. Use an Uninitialized Shift Register to keep track of which input to put out and then case them out. Let your top level VI worry about your timing.
06-05-2014 12:56 PM
Look into the following in the help file:
EDon't worry - just hit Ctrl+H and keep your eyes on the help window. LabVIEW isn't all that hard to learn. (Mastery of LabVIEW on the other hand, may never be humanly attainable)